Sometimes clients come to me with brands that are already pretty great and they want to make them better. For example, let’s say one client’s sound is minivan mom. She’s got the talent. And she’s got the brand.
So, how does she stand out from the other minivan moms?
Here’s how we do it…by answering this question (again and
again)—and incorporating it into her brand:

How do you stand out from the crowd?

My client, minivan mom stands out:
·  Because of a really strong business background. She’s super
professional and businesslike with a Type A personality that clients love.
·  She hates waiting, so she gives clients a real-time response, drops whatever she’s doing and responds immediately. Clients don’t have to wait.
We all have our particular things that, when utilized correctly,
can add appeal to our unique image.

Mine might be that I’m fun at a party. Yours might be that:
·  You’re a jazz singer
·  You have a great band
·  You make people laugh
·  You’re a rockin’ cook
·  You never forget a birthday
·  You make in-person connections
Everyone has unique connection-points that are attractive to the
people who need what you offer. But for them to benefit you, you have to know what these powers and connection-points are.
Otherwise you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall. That’s just messy.
So, what makes you stand out from the crowd?
And how else?____________________________
And how else?____________________________
What are your top 5 things? Hit reply and tell me.
And don’t ever forget—

Your brand is heightened by and customizable based on your personality and strengths.

Can’t see them yourself?
This is why you need people on your team and in your tribe. Your agent can tell you. The person from your standup group can probably tell you. Your happy/return clients and I can definitely tell you.
If you’re stuck, email your 20 closest friends and peers to ask them:
“Other than my fab talent, what makes me stand out from the crowd?”
 You need to show up and be capital Y-O-U…so you’d better darn well know who that is.

Stop waiting—start doing! Schedule a free 15 minute brand-strategy session. Want a brand-igniting kick in the booty?
I will listen to your demos, tell you if you’re competitive, analyze your brand and give you feedback. Heck yes.