The season of closet clean outs and furniture rearranging is upon us, and it’s time to do the same for your business. Open a window, blast some feel-good favorite tunes, and let’s get to spring cleaning. As entrepreneurs, it’s essential to assess areas of growth and fine-tune your business plan throughout the year. 

Branding is an integral part of growing your voiceover business. If you don’t have a personal brand that excites you, it’s time to think about developing one. If you already have a brand you love, you still have work to do to make sure you are utilizing your branding to its full potential.

Ask yourself: 

  • Is your website updated to reflect your brand’s aesthetic?
  • Does your social media presence reflect the essence of your brand? 
  • Is your marketing outreach curated to help forward your brand story and reputation?

If you answered no to any of those questions, now’s the time to implement new strategies. 

Aside from using your brand to propel your business forward, here are some of our tips for optimizing your VO career this spring:  


Update Your Demos: Are your demos showcasing the best of your abilities? Are your chosen spots still current and reflective of genre-specific trends? You might not need an entirely new demo, but replacing one or two outdated spots could be the shift it needs to help you shine and demonstrate your versatility.


Invest in professional development: Enrolling in workshops or coaching sessions will help expand your skill set and keep you tuned in to the latest trends. Continuous learning is key to staying competitive and creative.


Attend industry events: Take advantage of opportunities to connect with fellow voiceover artists, potential clients, and industry insiders. Building meaningful relationships within the community not only expands your professional network but also opens doors to new opportunities (and, it’s fun!)


Spruce up your marketing strategy: Spring is the season of growth, and your marketing strategy should reflect that. Consider refreshing your approach to client outreach, whether it’s through targeted email campaigns, engaging social media content, or collaborations with other brands. A well-crafted marketing strategy not only increases your visibility but also positions you as a trusted voice in the industry.


Focus on one or two of these growth points and embrace small changes to help strengthen your business. It can’t all happen at once, but honing in on the big picture ways you can build momentum will position you for increased success. And if your priority is developing a killer brand, get in touch with us to start planning. Happy spring cleaning!