Whether you’re just getting started in voiceover, or you’re looking to take your business to the next level, there are some initial questions you need to ask yourself: Where am I in my career? Where do I want to go? And, how am I going to get there?

If you know who you are and where you want to go, we’ve got a few steps that can help you get there.

The first step to building a thriving voiceover business is making sure you’re talented and well trained– you’re going to need it in this competitive industry. Even if you have talent, training is an important step to being at the top of your voiceover game. This means working with coaches, creating demos that showcase your talent, and continually working to improve yourself and foster your talent. 

The next (and arguably most fun) step of building your business is creating a brand that represents your talent and helps you stand out. You’ve got to brand before you build– a solid and striking brand is the foundation of a thriving VO business. Building a brand can be the most exciting part of this process because it’s all about finding your niche and capturing your essence as a voiceover talent and artist. Your brand will come to represent you, so it’s important to collaborate with seasoned brand builders, who know how to maximize your potential. 

Another stepping stone to success is developing an entrepreneurial mindset. Simply put, no one is going to believe you’re going to win if you don’t believe you’re going to win. Developing this mindset means putting yourself in a place of constant growth and committing to your VO vision, even when the ​​demands of daily life get in your way. Growing your entrepreneurial mindset will help you put the vision for your voiceover business into motion. 

Creating a business plan is the next crucial step in becoming a successful voiceover artist. You need to think about voiceover as you would any other entrepreneurial endeavor– you’ve got to have a game plan. The components of a basic business plan include a summary of your services, a description of your brand (what makes you unique), your strategy for growing your voiceover business, and an outline of your financial goals. Having an organized and coherent plan will allow you to track the growth of your business. 

When you’ve secured your brand, locked and loaded your entrepreneurial mindset, and developed a business plan, your final step is to market yourself and your brand to potential buyers. Take time to find out who cares about your brand, and then find out how they can be a part of your success. You’ll want to use every tool in your arsenal, including agents, managers, networking, and social media to draw attention to yourself through your brand. 


We’re Here to Help

We’d love to help you find success as a voiceover artist, whether that’s building your brand or helping you develop a presence on social media. You can email Aya at aya@celiasiegel.com to get a free social media consultation and learn more about or social media and PR department or Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me to start developing your own personal brand.

Also, check out my book Voiceover Achiever to get moving on your own branding journey with my expert guidance and tried & true methodology. We will be holding a few workshops to get direct feedback throughout the new year so keep your eye out for that if you choose to go the DIY route.