The holidays sure are different this year.

In most parts of the country, it’s cold out and we’re staying inside. Even so, all huddled up in our fleece, human relationships are still our life-blood.

Here’s my reality: I’ve got a compromised immune system and I’m not taking any chances this holiday season. (I feel amazing and I’d like to keep it that way!) My holiday-success arsenal includes a cord of firewood, a heating blanket and plenty of online yoga. Along with video calls with family and friends, I’m determined to have a nice holiday (and hopefully stay sane until we can all be together, in person, again).

Human connection is the hallmark of happiness and health. So let’s prioritize these connections even more right now. Here are my suggestions.

  • Check in. Even though you’re tired of Zoom, try to make space to keep on Zooming. Even for 10 minutes.
  • Send a note or card that will brighten their day, and yours.
  • Simply say: “I’m grateful for you.”
  • Introduce yourself on LinkedIn and social media. (If this isn’t your jam—or you’re too busy—CSM is launching our social media management company: VO Viral. We love socializing; let us do it all for you!)
  • Share your truth. Being human connects us, during good times and hard ones.
  • Pick up the phone. Remember that? Calling instead of texting?! It’s unexpectedly refreshing.
  • Send something you love. Like Oprah’s favorite things, on a much smaller scale. This is something I enjoy—I hope you like it, too. Whether it’s a lip balm, a chocolate bar or a book, Amazon makes it easy. (Amazon-Land isn’t all bad.)
  • Share a recipe. Here’s one for a festive non-alcoholic cocktail.

Going the extra mile just has to be thoughtful—not complicated. Not expensive. It’s just about taking a moment or two to reach out.

An added bonus of keeping connections alive? Getting work!

You may get actual jobs. Just from being your thoughtful self and showing up.

In fact, a totally ideal client recently called me and said, “I want this package—when can we start?!”

Why was she so ready to work with me? Well, she had been at a recording studio doing a VO job, and she saw one of my branded holiday cards in the waiting room. She went home, looked at our website, and connected on social media. Everything we put out there—our authentic brand story—spoke to her. She saved up to make the investment.

With the card, I wasn’t saying, Happy Holidays, hire me! I was showing up, with my brand values, to a relationship. I wasn’t thinking about the unexpected benefit of getting a new client.

It was another case of marketing doing the work for you.

Business or personal, JUST SHOW UP. You never know when you’re going to make a new best friend, inspire someone, get a job, or hear someone’s amazing story. This winter, relationships will be the vibrant spark we all need.

Stay healthy. Stay cozy. Stay connected.


P.S. Want to talk about how we can help make 2021 a success? Schedule a free consult here.