celia siegel management

Branding, Business Coaching + Management for Voice Actors

your brand starts here!


Season of reinvention

Season of reinvention

Why do some companies rebrand, and can it work for you? What are the advantages and the challenges when undergoing a complete brand refresh? Brands reinvent themselves all the time, and VO can too. It’s necessary to adapt, to keep up with modern culture, to change for the better — whether you’re a person or a company. Just because you’ve always been one way, doesn’t mean you have to stay that way.

This month at CSM, we’re looking at our top three favorite rebrands of the year, and how each of them were able to execute a flawless transition.

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Learning is Back in Session

Learning is Back in Session

Greetings Voiceover Achievers! School is back in session and we’re here for it. Growing up as the daughter of a professor, I’ve always loved this time of year– heading back to school and getting excited about what I will learn next.  read more…

VO Success Strategies

VO Success Strategies

It takes lots of elements to be a successful voiceover artist– talent, coaching, and a team that works with you and for you. When you’re doing everything you can to make your business successful, it can be easy to neglect your personal health.  read more…

Living (and Loving) Your Brand

Living (and Loving) Your Brand

Hello Voiceover Achievers! If you know anything about us here at CSM, you know our biggest passion is helping you discover your brand. There are so many benefits to having an amazing brand, even beyond the way it looks. A truly great brand will give you the confidence, both personally and professionally, to do even greater work.  read more…

How to Create a Great Brand Strategy

How to Create a Great Brand Strategy

Branding is the heart of what we do here at Celia Siegel Management, and we love helping you discover and develop your brand. When we find what sets you apart and what makes you special, we’ve found what we like to call your ‘brand thumbprint.’  read more…

How to Tell Your Epic Story and Shine

How to Tell Your Epic Story and Shine

It’s summer and time is flying, but one thing remains constant–our team here at CSM is working hard for you. There’s nothing we love more than helping you discover your unique brand and ultimately helping you succeed. From our branding gurus to our Head of Casting and the social media team, the main thing we have in common is YOU. We love to help you do what you do best– deliver great voiceover.  read more…

Why You Should Form Creative Relationships

Why You Should Form Creative Relationships

This month, I was lucky enough to spend a couple of weeks living in a beautiful apartment in the heart of San Francisco. Now that I’m an empty nester, Trusted House Sitters (a site where you can provide pet sitting in exchange for lodging), has become incredibly enticing– it’s fun to switch up my environment from time to time. And this time, I found myself in a gem of an apartment with a 17-year-old Tibetan Shepherd, Cocoa Bean, for company.  read more…

How to Build a Sustainable VO Business

How to Build a Sustainable VO Business

It seems that spring has sprung, Voiceover Achievers. This month has been full of incredible events, starting with VO Atlanta. It was so wonderful to connect with old friends, make new ones, and see each other outside the parameters of our Zoom meeting screens. We wished it didn’t have to end, but we are excited it will return next year, thanks to the hard work of J. Michael Collins and Anna Collins, who have acquired the conference and will continue its legacy.  read more…

When Should I Brand?

When Should I Brand?

In the weeks since coming home from VO Atlanta, I have been thinking about the one question I was asked the most: When is it a good time to brand? 

It makes sense that this question was a popular one. During one of the panels I was on, someone asked those who were new to the business or attending the conference for the first time to raise their hands. I was shocked when about 80% of the crowd put up their hands.  read more…

Branding For a Virtual World

Branding For a Virtual World

Imagine it’s the beginning of 2020. Can you remember what networking was like in that pre-covid world? During that time we could gather together in person and at events, we could schmooze and meet one another and make connections. read more…

Answering Your FAQ’s

Answering Your FAQ’s

Answering Our Most Frequently Asked Questions 

Do you have questions about branding and business? Look no further. We’ve put together a guide with some of our most frequently asked questions so you can get the guidance you’ve been looking for.  read more…

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