celia siegel management

Branding, Business Coaching + Management for Voice Actors

your brand starts here!


And then I pressed play…

It’s hard to admit, but it’s true: His website almost scared me away.
When a new potential client sent me his website, I assumed he sucked. Then I pressed play. His voice was like butter. His timing was great. He was amazing—but his website was sending the message that he was anything but… read more…

No offense to Uber …

Casual young man driving in a new luxury sedan with friends.

First, a disclaimer: In this industry, you have to be freaking talented. If you can check the “freaking talented” box—this tough-love-newsie is for you. read more…

Feel the wind blowing in your hair…

If your brand were a car, what car would it be?

Mine would be an acid green Jeep Wrangler Sahara with big-a$$ tires. Or maybe if the used-car-Gods were on my side, a refurbished El Camino—pimped out with four-wheel drive for Minnesota winters (also acid green, of course). read more…

Always a VO bridesmaid—never a bride?

Feel like you’re always a VO bridesmaid—never a bride? Do you almost get the job, but not quite?

First of all, there’s merit in being a bridesmaid. It means somebody loves you! If you almost got the job, it shows your standing. It’s gas in your engine. Fuel in your tank. Feel the love, baby, because you’re in the game. You’re a contender—and don’t forget that! read more…

Does Twitter Spark Joy?

Hi there,
The awesome Marie Kondo (queen of decluttering) says you should pick up an object and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” If it doesn’t spark joy, you should get rid of it. It’s such a simple, almost laughable idea, but it’s brilliant. I’ve really incorporated it into my life and business. read more…

Want to ensure success? Do this…

Want a surefire way to land the jobs you need? Read on, VO butt-kicker…
The other day, a new client told me that “sometimes things just feel so up in air.” Well, I told her something important and I’m going to tell you: You have (so much) more control than you think! Why?
It’s not about logging the results, it’s all about designing your future. read more…

Voice crush cultivation

Have you ever heard someone’s voice and felt an instant connection? Like love at first listen? Like they were speaking right to you?
What I’m describing is a voice crush.
And it’s exactly what you want buyers and agents to feel when they hear your voice.

If you are rocking your talent, you are bound to pique the interest of some admirers along the way…but it’s YOUR job to cultivate these voice crushes and turn them into full-on, major love affairs. read more…

6 Ways to Build your VO Target Field

If you build it, they will come.

Despite what movies tell you, this statement is mostly false. Once you build an amazing brand, they don’t just show up. You have to bring them there.
Here in Minneapolis, I was never a huge baseball fan – until Target Field replaced the Metrodome. Target Field is a gorgeous space where I will happily have a hot dog and a beer while watching baseball. The Metrodome was shabby…not someplace I wanted to spend my time or money. read more…

How do YOU stand out from the crowd?

Sometimes clients come to me with brands that are already pretty great and they want to make them better. For example, let’s say one client’s sound is minivan mom. She’s got the talent. And she’s got the brand.
So, how does she stand out from the other minivan moms?
Here’s how we do it…by answering this question (again and
again)—and incorporating it into her brand:

How do you stand out from the crowd?

read more…

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